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Metatrader 4 buld 600 
MetaQuotes scheduled release of new MT4 on 3rd of February 2014.
Probably most brokers will delay implementation of new platform.
New MT4 is completely different platform, it's code is not fully compatible with old code, even it retained some backwards compatibility.
Due to this fact, all SignalCopy tools was rewritten to match new code implementation.
If your broker plan to switch to new MT4, contact us to update your order.
For standard versions, update is free on February, after that a small fee of 25% from base price will apply.
Custom builds of SignalCopy software have to be rebuilt from scratch.
To update your custom software please  contact us with your order details.
To know what MT4 build you are running, go to Help->About and see build number.
Last build of old platform is 509.
New builds are >6xx (current is 602)
SignalCopy software designed for build up to 509 will not work on new MT4.
SignalCopy software designed for new MT4 will not work on old MT4 platform
Starting with 03 February 2014, all trial  requests will receive  copies working on new MT4 platform, for old platform please contact us.
About custom builds:
Is not possible to update old custom builds due to many code differences.
All custom build must be recoded from scratch.
Price for customers that paid a customization for old MT4 is 70$
Price for customers that want a  new customization  100$ cutom file names, custom istaller, inputs changed / hidden)
If they want more changes on program logic (new features) should contact uf to discuss details.
Posted on Wednesday, February 05, 2014 @ 20:17:21 CET by Enforcer
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