Best tool for copy Metatrader signals!Best tool for copy Metatrader signals!
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We Highly recommend this software SignalCopyMySQL+ to any one that needs a reliable trade copier . The customer service for this product was outstanding ! Every question that we asked was answer in a few hours or less! The cost of this product is a great value and other product similar cost 2 to 3 times more. We have been running this software for a few months and it never misses a trade. We thank the programmer of this software for doing a incredible job of coding.


Sumbitted by Ruby on 2012-10-15
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Home of the original copy tools since 2008

Trades replication professional tools

SignalCopy tools are most advanced tools for replicate Metatrader4 trades.
These tools allow you to share your trades with friends or sell your signals without been tied to a specific website that offer such services and often impose rules that are not suitable for your trading style or do not offer features you need.
You can share your signals exactly as you want, when you want.
We offer 5 tools to best suit your needs.

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SignalCopyMysql uses popular
MySQL database for connecting
Master and Slaves around the world.


SignalCopyMysqlPlus uses popular
MySQL database for connecting
Master and Slaves around the world.


SignalCopyMysqlPlus HR uses popular
MySQL database for connecting
Master and Slaves around the world.


This is a solution for copying
signals when Master  and
Slave are installed on same PC or LAN.


SignalCopyFTP use popular
FTP for connecting
Master and Slaves around the world.


Other Products

This tool allow trades to place orders and modify SL and TP by using lines.
This tool take a screenshot of chart and upload it to a FTP server.








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